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The Importance of Determination



He was my role model. He taught me how hard work and determination are the keys to being successful. He loved what he did and had many hobbies like building models, collecting historic hand guns, stamps, and valuable coins. By determining what he is passionate about, he was able to be successful at worka and with family. 


He defied the odds that were against him. I cannot imiagine being through what he had. Mitch lost his younger brother due to the shot gun that he owned, and I know I would be devastated if one of my siblings died similarly to this situation. He was running for his life from Nazis and traveling by night and hiding in potato farms by day, which is why he loved potatoes since he lived off of them until reaching the U.S. Embassy. Mitch experienced so much in his life and managed to come out on top due to his persevering personality.


As a grandfather, he was my friend. I could seek out advice from him. He was always there at the stands of my soccer games and at my birhtday parties giving the most generous gifts of them all. He loved driving his army Jeep in the woods at his cottage, but it did not have seat belts. For his grandchildren's safety, he bought another new yellow Jeep in 2002 that does. Once Mitch past, my grandma past down the yellow Jeep to my family. Every time I drive that car, I love knowing my Dziadzia used to.


His heart was so generous. Mitch provided a family cottage in Northern Michigan and condominion in Florida that he shared with my family for vactions. Because of my grandpa, I am fortunate enough to be that much closer to my extended family and partake in activities with them, like skiing, sledding, boating, canoeing, and boogie boarding.


He inspired me of what traits I should try to attain during my lifetime. Despite his lack of education, like nowadays where everyone is expected to have a formal college education to attain an occupation in the job market, he conquered the challenge of adapting to a new culture and living the American Dream. 





Why is he my hero?

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